Dessin au crayon réalisé le 5.02.2012 Edmond N.
Mon voyage au bout du monde
Mon lieu et celui d’un Dieu,
Ma maison dans un ciel clair,
D’un père que je connais le mieux,
D’une croix sur mes épaules lourdes,
Je passerais le cap de bonne espérance,
Mon voyage au bout du monde.
Nous avons bourlingué sur les routes,
Jamais un lieu fixe pour repos,
J’ai voyagé sur des images de rêves,
Loin de mon pays naissant,
Je passerais le cap de bonne espérance,
Mon voyage au bout du monde.
Mon ancre dans mon âme reste vierge,
Mes jambes pour poser un instant au silence,
D’une marche lourde d’âges,
Mes souvenirs chargés pour un Dieu expiratoire,
Je passerais le cap de bonne espérance,
Mon voyage au bout du monde.
Je n’ai pas de lieu,
Je bourlingue mes lignes,
Sur un vent, je pose mes notes,
Je reste ici, mon âme s’envole ailleurs,
Je passerais le cap de bonne espérance,
Mon voyage au bout du monde.
Je ne suis pas seul,
J’ai un Dieu sur mon chemin,
Un ciel pour mes messages,
Une envolée de poésies sur un parcours du ciel,
Je passerais le cap de bonne espérance,
Mon voyage au bout du monde.
NICOLLE Edmond le 6.02.2012
Je suis ce poète caractéristique de mots,
Ils m’ont déjà enfermé dans le silence, Edmond N.
My journey into the world
My place and that of a God,
My house in a clear sky,
From a father that I know best,
In a heavy cross on my shoulders,
I would pass the Cape of Good Hope,
My journey into the world.
We knocked on the roads,
Never a fixed place for rest,
I traveled on images of dreams,
Far from my country nascent
I would pass the Cape of Good Hope,
My journey into the world.
My anchor in my mind is blank,
My legs to ask for a moment of silence,
In a heavy walk of ages,
My memories are loaded for a God expiratory
I would pass the Cape of Good Hope,
My journey into the world.
I have no place,
I Bourlingue my lines,
On a wind, I put my notes,
I stay here, my soul flies also
I would pass the Cape of Good Hope,
My journey into the world.
I am not alone,
I have a God in my way,
A heaven for my messages,
A flight of poetry on a journey from heaven,
I would pass the Cape of Good Hope,
My journey into the world.
NICOLLE Edmond on 02/06/2012
I am the poet of characteristic words
They've already locked in silence, Edmond N.
My place and that of a God,
My house in a clear sky,
From a father that I know best,
In a heavy cross on my shoulders,
I would pass the Cape of Good Hope,
My journey into the world.
We knocked on the roads,
Never a fixed place for rest,
I traveled on images of dreams,
Far from my country nascent
I would pass the Cape of Good Hope,
My journey into the world.
My anchor in my mind is blank,
My legs to ask for a moment of silence,
In a heavy walk of ages,
My memories are loaded for a God expiratory
I would pass the Cape of Good Hope,
My journey into the world.
I have no place,
I Bourlingue my lines,
On a wind, I put my notes,
I stay here, my soul flies also
I would pass the Cape of Good Hope,
My journey into the world.
I am not alone,
I have a God in my way,
A heaven for my messages,
A flight of poetry on a journey from heaven,
I would pass the Cape of Good Hope,
My journey into the world.
NICOLLE Edmond on 02/06/2012
I am the poet of characteristic words
They've already locked in silence, Edmond N.
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