Je t’aime
Le ciel,
mon temps,
Sur toutes
les coutures,
Les saisons
sont mes chemins,
La vie
entre tes mains,
Je t’aime.
Je fuis l’histoire,
Les coutures
de mots décousus,
Le rêve de
tant d’Hippocrate,
Le sermon
sur un hôtel de l’histoire,
Je ne t’aime
Je vois le
Les couleurs
d’un arque,
Brillant sur
mes pensées,
Une rosée m’amène
à te peindre,
Je t’aime.
Coule dans
mon sang une véracité,
Un message
entre mes mains,
Celui qui t’écrit
un royaume,
Le ciel ma
Je t’aime.
L’ombre de
la nuit,
Est réservé
pour le diable,
Trop fragile
je m’en fuis,
Retrouvé le
jour à mes pas,
Je t’aime.
J’écris l’histoire,
Un autre
Sur ma
plume réfléchie,
Une encre
coulant dans mes veines,
Je t’aimerai
Je dessine
dans mes mains,
Une histoire
Mon histoire
avec un Dieu,
Les bras
tendus au ciel,
Je t’aime.
Edmond le 17.05.02012
I love you
The sky, my time,
On all seams,
The seasons are my ways,
Life in your hands,
I love you.
I am the story,
The seams of disjointed words,
The dream of so many of Hippocrates,
The Sermon on the history of a hotel,
I do not love you.
I see the sky,
The colors of arches,
Brilliant on my thoughts,
A dew brings me to paint you,
I love you.
My blood flows in a truthful,
A message in my hands,
He who writes you a kingdom,
Heaven my freedom,
I love you.
The shadow of the night,
Is reserved for the devil,
Too fragile I am,
Found not to my day,
I love you.
I write the story,
Another way,
Reflected on my pen,
Ink running through my veins,
I still love you.
I draw in my hands,
An invisible history,
My story with God
Arms outstretched to heaven,
I love you.
NICOLLE Edmond 17.05.02012
The sky, my time,
On all seams,
The seasons are my ways,
Life in your hands,
I love you.
I am the story,
The seams of disjointed words,
The dream of so many of Hippocrates,
The Sermon on the history of a hotel,
I do not love you.
I see the sky,
The colors of arches,
Brilliant on my thoughts,
A dew brings me to paint you,
I love you.
My blood flows in a truthful,
A message in my hands,
He who writes you a kingdom,
Heaven my freedom,
I love you.
The shadow of the night,
Is reserved for the devil,
Too fragile I am,
Found not to my day,
I love you.
I write the story,
Another way,
Reflected on my pen,
Ink running through my veins,
I still love you.
I draw in my hands,
An invisible history,
My story with God
Arms outstretched to heaven,
I love you.
NICOLLE Edmond 17.05.02012
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