mots pour oublier les blessures
Des mots en silence,
Le cœur qui ne peut aimer plus,
Les mots tremblent au passé,
Une femme dans le silence,
Pleure ses blessures en silence,
Des mots pour oublier les blessures.
Un cri qui veut dire tout,
Et rien ne veut sortir,
Les portes se sont refermées,
Le silence dans le regard en pleurs,
Le reste de tant d’années stoppé ici,
Des mots pour oublier les blessures.
Ma main voudrait te faire oublier les souvenirs,
T’aider en silence sur ton chemin brisé,
Mon regard te donner un peu de lumière à tes pas,
Un sourire à te donner pour des souvenirs à
Ensemble sur des chemins nouveaux,
Des mots pour oublier les blessures.
Nous resterait-il un peu charité à la vie ?
Loin des bruits, les pleurs cachés sur les cicatrices,
La force nous serait-il donner à fermer chacun nos
blessures ?
Ensembles sur les chemins de demain,
J’aimerais sortir avec toi pour oublier les cicatrices
du temps passé,
Des mots pour oublier les blessures.
NICOLLE Edmond le 1.10.2013
Créateur de poésies depuis 1973
Words to forget injuries
Words in silence,
The heart that can love more,
Words to tremble past
A woman in silence,
Cries his wounds in silence,
Words to forget injuries.
A cry that says it all,
And nothing wants to go out,
The doors are closed,
The silence in the eyes in tears,
The rest of many years stopped here
Words to forget injuries.
My hand would make you forget the memories,
Help you in silence broken on your way,
My eyes give a little light to your not you,
A smile to give you memories for tomorrow
Together in new ways,
Words to forget injuries.
We would be left a little love back to life?
Away from the noise, crying hidden in the scars
The force would we give each close our wounds?
Sets on the roads of tomorrow
I'd go out with you to forget the scars of the past,
Words to forget the injury.
NICOLLE Edmond 1.10.2013
Creator of poetry since 1973
Words in silence,
The heart that can love more,
Words to tremble past
A woman in silence,
Cries his wounds in silence,
Words to forget injuries.
A cry that says it all,
And nothing wants to go out,
The doors are closed,
The silence in the eyes in tears,
The rest of many years stopped here
Words to forget injuries.
My hand would make you forget the memories,
Help you in silence broken on your way,
My eyes give a little light to your not you,
A smile to give you memories for tomorrow
Together in new ways,
Words to forget injuries.
We would be left a little love back to life?
Away from the noise, crying hidden in the scars
The force would we give each close our wounds?
Sets on the roads of tomorrow
I'd go out with you to forget the scars of the past,
Words to forget the injury.
NICOLLE Edmond 1.10.2013
Creator of poetry since 1973
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