Un vent à souffler à notre histoire
Un vent d’orient
était né,
Nos cœurs à
tant d’histoire,
Tu m’as
Loin que
nous soyons,
Je t’ai suivie
sur des chemins en silence,
Nos cœurs déjà
tremblaient sans se voir,
Un vent à
souffler à notre histoire,
Une histoire
d’amour était née.
Nous étions
La peur des
mots sur nos lèvres,
Le silence
nous était notre lot,
Et pourtant
notre regard déjà sûr,
Le temps à
passer sans nous rejoindre,
Dans le
ciel, le dessin d’une ligne intouchable,
Un vent à
souffler à notre histoire,
Une histoire
d’amour était née.
J’écris des
Des mots
qui ne sont pas les tiens,
Une langue
de frontière nous fermant nos lignes,
Mais ton
regard et plus sûre que des mots envoyer,
Le cœur nous
inspirant sur la route à suivre entre nos mains,
Une langue invisible
nous traçait dans ce ciel d’orient,
Un vent à
souffler à notre histoire,
Une histoire
d’amour était née.
Je reviendrais
te revoir,
Nous avons
à nous dire tant de choses,
Mais aussi
le silence nous donnera la raison sur nos lèvres,
Un abandon
aux questions sans réponse d’une langue fugitive,
Nous serons
tremblants, sans rien dire,
Nos mains
dans le silence à tant de mots déjà dite,
Un vent à
souffler à notre histoire,
Une histoire
d’amour était née.
Edmond le 22.06.2013
Créateur de
poésies depuis 1973
wind blowing in our history
An east wind was born,
Our hearts so much history,
You waited for me,
Far as we are,
I followed you on paths in silence,
Our hearts were already trembling without seeing
A wind blowing in our history,
A love affair was born.
We were far
Fear of words on our lips,
The silence was us our lot,
Yet our already safe glance
Time to pass without contact us,
In the sky, drawing a line untouchable,
A wind blowing in our history,
A love affair was born.
I write words,
Words that are not yours,
A language we closing our border lines
But your eyes and safer than words send
The heart inspiring us on the way forward in our hands,
An invisible language we traced in the sky from east,
A wind blowing in our history,
A love affair was born.
I would see you again,
We have to tell us so much,
But the silence give us reason on our lips,
Abandoning the unanswered questions of a fugitive language
We will be trembling, without saying anything,
Our hands in silence so many words already known,
A wind blowing in our history,
A love affair was born.
NICOLLE Edmond 22.06.2013
Creator of poetry since 1973
An east wind was born,
Our hearts so much history,
You waited for me,
Far as we are,
I followed you on paths in silence,
Our hearts were already trembling without seeing
A wind blowing in our history,
A love affair was born.
We were far
Fear of words on our lips,
The silence was us our lot,
Yet our already safe glance
Time to pass without contact us,
In the sky, drawing a line untouchable,
A wind blowing in our history,
A love affair was born.
I write words,
Words that are not yours,
A language we closing our border lines
But your eyes and safer than words send
The heart inspiring us on the way forward in our hands,
An invisible language we traced in the sky from east,
A wind blowing in our history,
A love affair was born.
I would see you again,
We have to tell us so much,
But the silence give us reason on our lips,
Abandoning the unanswered questions of a fugitive language
We will be trembling, without saying anything,
Our hands in silence so many words already known,
A wind blowing in our history,
A love affair was born.
NICOLLE Edmond 22.06.2013
Creator of poetry since 1973
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