Le temps est une
Le temps qui passe,
Demain un autre jour,
Rien ne sera pareil.
Je te désire mille fois.
Le corps enchaîné.
Soumission, désir,
J’ai soif de toi.
Du temps qui passe,
Je me brûle en toi.
Mourir avec moi.
Pris au piège,
Fantasme au corps.
Mon âme se brûle.
Désir, violence,
Je te désire à mon corps.
Je veux perdre mon âme.
Dans tes bras, je m’offre.
Instable amour fantasmé,
Sentir ta gorge contre moi,
Sentir ta violence.
Vient mon amour.
J’ai besoin de toi.
Besoin de faire violence,
Mon corps qui appelle à l’amour,
Raison ou déraisons.
Je me fous des lois.
En silence, je t’appelle.
Je me sens déshabiller sans toi.
Mon corps se brûle sans toi.
Habite en moi,
Un instant à deux,
J’ai envie de crier ma faim.
Ton corps me faire souffrir,
Jouir à en mourir.
Edmond Nicolle
Le 10.11.2018
Auteur est créateur de poésies depuis 1973
Texte n°2732
Time is a music
Passing time,
Tomorrow another day,
Nothing will be the same.
I desire you a thousand times.
The body chained.
Submission, desire,
I thirst for you.
Time passing
I'm burning in you.
To die with me.
Fantasy in the body.
My soul is burning.
Desire, violence,
I desire you to my body.
I want to lose my soul.
In your arms, I offer myself.
Unstable fantasy love,
Feel your throat against me,
Feel your violence.
Come my love.
I need you.
Need to do violence,
My body that calls for love,
Reason or disappointments.
I do not care about laws.
In silence, I call you.
I feel undress without you.
My body burns itself without you.
Live in me,
A moment to two,
I want to scream my hunger.
Your body makes me suffer,
To enjoy dying.
Edmond Nicolle
The 10.11.2018
Author is creator of poems since 1973
Text n ° 2732
Time is a music
Passing time,
Tomorrow another day,
Nothing will be the same.
I desire you a thousand times.
The body chained.
Submission, desire,
I thirst for you.
Time passing
I'm burning in you.
To die with me.
Fantasy in the body.
My soul is burning.
Desire, violence,
I desire you to my body.
I want to lose my soul.
In your arms, I offer myself.
Unstable fantasy love,
Feel your throat against me,
Feel your violence.
Come my love.
I need you.
Need to do violence,
My body that calls for love,
Reason or disappointments.
I do not care about laws.
In silence, I call you.
I feel undress without you.
My body burns itself without you.
Live in me,
A moment to two,
I want to scream my hunger.
Your body makes me suffer,
To enjoy dying.
Edmond Nicolle
The 10.11.2018
Author is creator of poems since 1973
Text n ° 2732
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