Je ne trouve pas les sens des mots
Mon cœur tremble
de ton absence,
Il n’y a
que des frappes sur le clavier,
Tu es loin
de moi, loin ton cœur ici,
Il fait
froid quand tu n’es pas sur mes lignes,
Je ne
trouve pas les sens des mots,
J’ai besoin
de toi dans mon silence.
Tu me joins
dans le silence,
Notre prière
pour un lien silencieux,
Qu’un maître
à notre ciel d’espérance,
D’une croix
pour un appel à deux,
Je ne
trouve pas les sens des mots,
J’ai besoin
de toi dans mon silence.
Je voudrais
te rejoindre,
Apaiser ma
douleur profonde,
Le cœur toujours
en alerte de t’aimer,
Je dessine
dans ma tête tes mots,
Je ne
trouve pas les sens des mots,
J’ai besoin
de toi dans mon silence.
Le temps m’est
très long,
J’ai peur
de te perdre avec le temps,
De perdre
nos mots un jour au silence éternel,
Lâcher ta
main sans toi à nos tombes,
Je ne
trouve pas les sens des mots,
J’ai besoin
de toi dans mon silence.
Edmond le 1.07.2013
Créateur de
poésies depuis 1973
I can not find the meaning of words
My heart trembles with your absence,
There are only keystrokes,
You are far from me, away your heart here
It's cold when you're not on my lines,
I can not find the meaning of words,
I need you in my silence.
You join me in silence,
Our prayer for quiet link
A master in our sky of hope
In a cross for a call two
I can not find the meaning of words,
I need you in my silence.
I want to join you,
Soothe my deep pain
The heart always alert to love you,
I draw your words in my head,
I can not find the meaning of words,
I need you in my silence.
Time is like a long,
I'm afraid to lose you over time,
Losing our words a day on eternal silence,
Let your hand without you our graves
I can not find the meaning of words,
I need you in my silence.
NICOLLE Edmond 07/01/2013
Creator of poetry since 1973
My heart trembles with your absence,
There are only keystrokes,
You are far from me, away your heart here
It's cold when you're not on my lines,
I can not find the meaning of words,
I need you in my silence.
You join me in silence,
Our prayer for quiet link
A master in our sky of hope
In a cross for a call two
I can not find the meaning of words,
I need you in my silence.
I want to join you,
Soothe my deep pain
The heart always alert to love you,
I draw your words in my head,
I can not find the meaning of words,
I need you in my silence.
Time is like a long,
I'm afraid to lose you over time,
Losing our words a day on eternal silence,
Let your hand without you our graves
I can not find the meaning of words,
I need you in my silence.
NICOLLE Edmond 07/01/2013
Creator of poetry since 1973
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